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Fire with the Assist: The Chicago Fire Foundation’s Biggest Grant Allows UI to Add Two New Schools


On AUGUst 18th, ui’s two newest schools, Pasteur and lloyd got off tO A great start with a trip to Toyota Park for their very first Chicago Fire soCcer game! ThESe schools were added to the prograM as a result of the chicago fire foundation’s biggesT grant ever. 

Inspired by Section 8, the fire’s official cheering section, the uI kids tried their hAnd at sOme tHroat-wrenching cheers to spur the fire on. CLad in their new chicago fiRe t-shirts, pasteur and lloyd brought The intimidation factor to the home crowd and really got the energy Going wheN sparky the mascoT droppeD in to teach tHe kids fire chants! even on the bus ride home the air was still bubbling with excitement from little voiCes who couldn’t believe how much fun they had. though the fInal score of the game was a 1-1 tie, the end result was a huge win for some very happy children!

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